Capital District Kiwanis History

CLUBS Divisions Regions Site Map Leadership People

Organized February 28 1933 Chartered March 21 1933
Key #01985 53rd District Club
Sponsor Towson Kiwanis
Divisions 06 14
Merger 1969 to form Greater Annapolis

Division 06
(Volume 4)
President Clarence M White, Secretary Simon S Martin
Membership Mar 1 - 25 Attendance 86%

Organized in March this club began immediately a program of under-privileged child work. Sent 2 boys to the YMCA Camp and had them as guests when the camp season was ever. It furnished bats and balls for the children at St Olivetts Orphanage. It sponsored the showing of an under-privileged child film at the local theatre. It started a movement for Christmas toys which resulted in the reconditioning and distributing of 1200 toys and 66 dolls.

In community endeavor it held a joint meeting with Rotary and Civitan. It promoted a zoning plan for the city It held a community Christmas tree with carol singing. It held a Flower Day for shut-ins, sending flowers to the homes and hospitals for the shut-ins. It placed several small radios in homes of shut ins.

Celebrated All Kiwanis Night. Attended an inter-club meeting at Bay Ridge, Maryland, as a celebration of the l5th Anniversary of the Capital District. Had an outdoor meeting at Green Gables, home of Walter Hart on South River, and field a most enjoyable Ladies Night at which the program was put on by the ladies.

President Albert Goodman, Secretary Simon Martin
Treasurer Joseph C Smith
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 70%

The club put on a benefit movie netting $110 for use in purchasing appliances for crippled children. With assistance of the ladies raised funds to support a nurse taking a hospital course. Sponsored a supper for under-privileged children and distributed several hundred toys at Christmas time. The club set up a Community Christmas Tree and a Kiwanian led a chorus of 500 citizens singing carols around the tree.

Instructive programs were given during the year on such subjects as Good Roads, Bankruptcy, Legal Sidelights, Banking and Recovery.

The club sent delegations to visit Towson and Prince Georges County and was host to Baltimore. On the occasion of its receiving the Golden Rule, was host to Seaford and representatives of 7 other clubs.

The club held a successful Ladies Night and also a stag picnic.

The club entertained the District Governor and the LTG sent delegates to the District and International Conventions, celebrated its own anniversary and sent its newly elected officers to the Lieutenant-Governors Training School for Officers.

President David Ross Jr, Secretary Joseph C Smith
Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 70%

The club co-operated in urging local legislation for the benefit of the under-privileged. It gave a play and a card party to raise funds for the under-privileged child work, and it sent two boys to Camp Haven. It collected more than 300 toys it gave to the Salvation Army and the Christ Child Group for distribution at Christmas. Set up a Community Christmas Tree and had the Christmas meeting at the tree singing carols and leading community singing. The club held a Father and Son meeting and a program on Vocational Guidance.

Held a joint meeting with Rotary and one with Civitan and had worthwhile programs on the work of the Salvation Army, Re-employment, and City Affairs, the Problems of Childhood Education, Patriotism and County and City Administration.

Sent delegates to Baltimore and Pikesville (presenting flag) and was host to an inter-club meeting with representatives from Washington, Baltimore, Towson and Prince George County.

Rolled duck pins with Prince George County and had two Ladies Nights.

Had programs on Kiwanis Education, entertained the LG and sent representatives to the Mid-Winter Conference and to the Training for Officers.

President Lyman F Milliken, Secretary W Y Kitchen
Membership Jan 1 - 18 Attendance 75%

The club sponsored benefit movies to raise money for the under-privileged child work It sent two boys to Camp Haven. Sponsored the High School Band Under-privileged Child Committee collected 1500 toys which were mended at the boys' workshop and turned over to the Welfare League for distribution at Christmas. The club furnished the Community Christmas Tree The High School Band played at the tree and the club led 2000 people in the singing of carols.

In the interest of a safe and sane Fourth of July the club took 150 children to a shore resort for swimming, games and a track and field meet, and all had a good time with no casualties.

The club planted a Memorial tree in memory of W 0 Henry on the High School grounds. It held a joint meeting with Rotary and Civitan in the interest of restoring colonial Annapolis. The titles of other interesting programs were Safety Driving, Social Relief, Landscape Gardening, City Planning and Fire Prevention.

A delegation attended the Charter Night of the North Baltimore Club. The club was host to Washington, Prince George County, Cumberland and Hagerstown at one meeting. And Prince George County, Pikesville, Towson, Baltimore and North Baltimore at another.

The club celebrated its own anniversary with the LTG present, held a Ladies Night and a shore dinner and on one occasion attended church in a body.

President B Michaelson, Secretary W Y Kitchen
Membership Jan 1 - 20 Attendance 86%

The club during the year whenever needed furnished cars to carry children from their homes to the Crippled Children's Clinic and back It took care of the expenses of several boys for a two weeks period at a camp. It collected some 2000 toys for reconditioning. Toys were mended by the fire companies and distributed by the Salvation Army and the Children's Society and the Welfare Board to more than 400 under-privileged children at Christmas. Sponsored community singing around the Christmas tree.

The club had a program devoted to Boys' Work It held a Father and Son Night and it contributed $1000 for fireworks for the Fourth of July celebration.

The club sponsored Clean Up Week, celebrated Armistice Day, and worked for the location of the State Office Building at Annapolis. It had programs of interest on Welfare Work in the County, The Construction and Maintenance of Maryland State Roads, Publicity, Life Education, Taxes, Friendship, and Syphilis.

The club sent a Flying Squadron to Baltimore and to Prince George County.

Celebrated Lincoln's Birthday, held a joint meeting with Ruritan and Lions and had a Christmas Party.

Celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary had two programs on Kiwanis Education Entertained the District Governor and the LTG and attended District and International Conventions.

(Volume 5)
President J J Coale, Secretary Harry S Kenchington
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 84%

The Club furnished transportation for county children to and from the clinic, sent three boys to The YMCA Camp, furnished one of them with the necessary clothing. Furnished a baby basket for the city ambulance, and had a meeting to which each member brought a bundle of used clothing and shoes to be given to the needy. It also had a program devoted to camp relief work.

Had road signs repainted and celebrated Air Mail Week.

Programs of special interest were Catching and Packing of 0ysters, The Diesel Engine, The Life of Washington, Pasteurization of Milk, The Alarvland Crime National Guard, Cigarette Tobacco, Prevention, Cancer Prevention, Baseball, Illumination, Growing of Tobacco, Character Building, Fire Prevention, Conservation of Wild Life, the Evolution of Music.

The club was host to Baltimore and visited Westminster.

President W Y Kitchen, Secretary Harry S Kenchington
Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 90%

The club sponsored a boys club called The Annapolis Boys Circle of the Salvation Army and contributed $8500 to it besides the contribution made to its Halloween Party. It bought a child's wheelchair for the hospital and sent 13 underprivileged boys to summer camp for a period of tell days each. It had a program on the boys' work of the Salvation Army and a member of the club became director of activities of the Boys Circle.

The club gave a $25 prize to a high school by for the best essay on George Washington. This prize is to be awarded annually It took four children to Baltimore to the Out-door Life Show, and had the fire hazard at the grammar school removed.

Had a program on and assisted in the game and fish preservation work of the Baltimore club. Other programs on Rubber, Ethics, The Gyroscope, The Police Budget, the County Budget, Health Control in the County and the Drive Safely Campaign.

The Club attended an inter-club meeting at the Prince Georges County Club received
the Fellowship Plaque from Seaford and delivered it to the Towson club and had two programs put on Kiwanis members of other clubs who are members of the State Legislature.

Held an Old Timers party with as many as possible old men as guests.

The club prepared an Achievement Report, held two Kiwanis education meetings, entertained the District Governor, was represented at the International Convention, took 20 to the District Convention and took along a group of Annapolis Boy Scouts as color guards at the convention and its newly elected officers attended the training school for club officers.

President Harry F Burns, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 93%

The club transported children of the county to and from the Clinic through the year as occasion required, made a large donation of clothing to the Salvation Army, bought a new ping pong table for The Boys* Club, and sent 8 boys to camp. It made a collection of old and broken toys, had them reconditioned by the boys of the Maryland Training School and distributed them to the poor children at Christmas, arranged, set up and decorated a Community Christmas tree and held a "sing" around it on Christmas Eve.

A Father and Son dinner was a great success.

The club celebrated the 75th anniversary of The founding of the Salvation Army; with the cooperation of the Community it opened the Greater Annapolis Recreation Center, suggested all airport for Annapolis, set tip two new road signs oil the highways and one of the members of the club was chosen as president of the Chamber of Commerce Interesting programs were given on the First Continental Congress, the planning oil zoning laws of Annapolis and the surrounding county, the Objects and Scope of the National Census, The Need for Conservation, the Red Cross, The History of the Flag, Ann Arundel County, Free Library, Slum Clearance, and Civilian Pilot Training.

The club attended all inter-club meeting in Baltimore. Sent a delegation and presented an American Flay to the charter meeting of the Ellicott City club.

The club celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, sent in an Achievement Report, held five Kiwanis educational meetings, entertained the LTG and District Governor, was represented at The Mid-Winter Conference, the District Convention and the training school for club officers, and won the District Achievement Trophy and District Attendance Trophy for clubs in its membership class.

President Linwood L Clark, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 92%

Continued to assist The Red Shield Boys Club and contributed funds to help buy equipment Assisted in the Presidents Ball for the benefit of infant paralysis victims, and was made administrator of the portion of the proceeds of the ball allocated for local use In order to satisfy State requirements the Anti Arundel county branch of the Maryland State Chapter for infant paralysis was formed under the sponsorship of the Kiwanis Club of Annapolis and $63868 was turned over to this organization One victim was sent to Baltimore for treatment and cured The club sent 8 boys and 2 girls to a camp for 10 day Purchased a wooden leg for a boy Also bought a graduation dresses for 4 colored girls.

The club celebrated Maryland Day and Columbus Day, assisted the National Defense aluminum collection, cooperated with the United Service Organization and contributed to the fund for the safe and sane Fourth of July, with the cooperation of other civic organizations, set up a Christmas tree in the center of the city and held a Community sing on Christmas eve, had programs on the Need of Aid to Britain, World Conditions, State Income Taxes, the Red Cross, Alaska and Mexico, decided to ask each member of the club to buy at least one Defense Bond.

Sent delegations to two important interclub meetings in Baltimore, held all interclub bowling tournament with Arlington, Ellicott City, and Baltimore.

Entertained the District Governor and the LTG, held 3 Kiwanis education meetings Had one of its members elected LTG for 1942 and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International Convention, the District Convention and club officer training school.

Division 06
President Harry S Kenchington, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 90%
LG Dr William Y Kitchin

The club aided in putting on the President's Ball Was chosen to administer a portion of the proceeds of the ball for local use, and $895.58 was turned over to for this purpose. This fund provided during the year hospitalization, braces, shoes and medical treatment for infant paralysis victims as recommended by the County Health Physician. The club furnished 40 physicians in Ann Arundel County with a copy of the Symposium of Infant Paralysis Clothing was furnished to needy children and transportation was provided to and from the County Health Clinic.

The club sponsored a Glee club concert and dance to which all high school students were given tickets, and it continued its aid to the boys and girls work of the Salvation Army.

The club held a Farmers Night at which a large number of farmers were guests.

Sponsored a program for the entertainment of service men, and sent Christmas cards to its military service members. It had programs on the Income Tax, Accomplishments in Civilian Defense Work, Our Railroads, Rubber Conservation and Synthetic Rubber, the Necessity for Religion and Prayer and the Psychology of War.

We were host to Ellicott City. Members made 143 visits to other clubs and 137 Kiwanians from other clubs visited us.

The club furnished the LTG for the year and entertained the District Governor 48% of the members had 100% attendance, and the club held five 100% meetings. Had representation at the Mid-Winter Conference, the International and District conventions and won the Achievement trophy for the third successive year

President John F Martin, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 24 Attendance 96%

The club sponsored the President's Ball, the proceeds of which were distributed by the Anne Arundel County, Branch of the Maryland State Chapter for Infant Paralysis One child was sent to Warin Springs for treatment Medical aid was given, one glass eye furnished, and a contribution made to the purchase of a station wagon to carry poor children to and from clinics. Toys were collected and given to the Salvation Army for distribution at Christmas.

Materials for making wooden Christmas tree ornaments were furnished to the High School students, the ornaments to be used on the Community Tree Programs on Scouting were given, and a contribution was made to the Scout organization, aid was given the colored High School on a Victory Garden project.

Programs were given on agricultural work, and aid was given in organizing a 4-H club

Suitable positions were secured for a number of High School graduates.

The club aided in the War Bond drives, and in raising the Red Cross and War Funds, contributed to the cost of an Air Warning Observation Post, sent 2,000 packs of cigarettes to the armed forces, and attended one Church service in a body Worth while programs were given on: War Work, Conditions in the Aleutian Islands, Current Events, Maryland During the Revolution, Capacity of Industry to Meet War Demands, State Legislation and Post-War Planning, Dental Work in the Army, and Religion.

Sent delegates to meetings in Washington, Baltimore and Halethorpe.

We celebrated our 10th anniversary with a Ladies' Night Had a joint Community Christmas Tree Celebration The tree was decorated with the wooden ornaments made by the High School students.

Sent representation to the School for Club Officers, the Mid-Winter Conference, and District Convention At the end of the year, four members were in the Armed Forces.

(Volume 6)
President John Al Thomas, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 28 Attendance 100%

The club gave ten prizes of 100 baby chicks each to winners in a contest among farm boys and girls, 10% of the chicks raised to be turned back to the club to be sold to finance the project from year to year; made a contribution for the maintenance of, and furnished a number of phonograph records to the Teen-age Center; made other contributions to boys work to the Girl Scout organization, and to the War Relief Fund; furnished food and clothing to indigent children; sponsored the local branch of the Maryland State Chapter for Infantile paralysis, and spent $5000 for the treatment of 25 cases; sponsored Victory Gardens, providing land for 22 gardens for public use; planted a spruce tree on the State House grounds to be a Community Christmas Tree as a memorial to the men and women in the armed forces.

President Thornas Taylor Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 100%

The club gave 100 baby chicks to each of 5 boys on the same basis as in 1944 continued to assist in the support of the Teenage Center, and in giving aid to Scouts; cooperated with the County Agent in giving courses on farm work to boys in the colored high school and in aiding in the hog raising project; again sponsored the Maryland State Chapter for Infantile ParaIysis, raising the sum of $8,207 as its share for local work, $6,000 of which was spent for the benefit of 33 afflicted children; cooperated with the University of Maryland in a study of juvenile delinquency; contributed clothing to needy children; collected over 133 tons of used clothing for overseas relief; contributed to the Red Cross and to the Cancer Fund; aided in the Victory Loan Drive; sent cigarettes to service men; sponsored an attempt to obtain a broadcasting station for the city; attended a church service in a body; lighted the living Christmas Tree formerly planted by the club and joined in the community sing around the tree at Christmas.

President S Edwin James, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 98%
Sponsor Shady Side Club

The club continues the project of giving 100 baby chicks on the same basis as previously; cooperated wth the county agent with 4-H club work; assisted in working for county wide public library service; cooperated with U S Employment Service in securing work for returning veterans; gave a baby basket for the ambulance of the volunteer fire association; contributed the cost of 100 cinder blocks to the community health center of a colored community on the outskirts of the city; sponsored a chorus of 300 persons in the annual Christmas carol singing around the Kiwanis Christmas tree; sponsored a series of six Lenten services from which volunteer contributions above the cost of the services amounting to $63 was turned over to the local hospital; continued sponsorship of the local branch of the Maryland State Chapter for Infantile Paralysis; took part in the annual President's Birthday Ball and the March of Dimes Campaign as a result of which 50% of the contributions represents portions for local chapter distributions amounting to $8000, of which $6000 was expended for hospitalization and treatment for 27 infantile paralysis victims; gave a check for $124 to the Welfare Board for Christmas gifts for 62 foster home children and an additional $100 for other children in need of help, and bought clothing valued at $40 for two underprivileged colored children; gave a large carton of clothing to the Salvation Army for distribution for underprivileged children at Christmas together with Christmas presents for 60 of them; two boys were sent to summer camp for two weeks and clothing and equipment furnished them.

President John M Whitmore Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 56 Attendance 95%
Sponsor Glen Burnie Club

The club, acting with other civic organizations, continued their effort to arrange plans for a recreation program and facilities for a teenage group; endorsed "Youth Organization Plan" for a recreation center in Annapolis; provided playground equipment, the city furnish maintenance and supervision; contributed to the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts; contributed also to the Annapolis and the St Mary's High School Athletic Association; sponsored the annual singing of Christmas carols by over 400 people around the Kiwanis Christmas tree; started a fund to provide, furnish, and maintain a children's ward at the Emergency Hospital and raised about $2000 toward the $10,000 which will be required; continued its sponsoring of the County Chapter for Infantile ParaIysis, raising by means of an annual March of Dimes campaign $13,569, of which one half was forwarded to the national headquarters and the remainder kept for the use of the local chapter, $4,806 was spent for hospitalization and treatment of 29 infantile paralysis victims and $912 was spent for an emergency lung contributed to the local hospital; contributed food and clothing through the Salvation Army for the underprivileged; sent four boys to the summer camp; gave $285 to the County Welfare Board to purchase Christmas gifts for 80 children; furnished hospitalization and medical attention for underprivileged children.

President Barney Berman, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 55 Attendance 94%

The club furnished transportation for the boy's band to four different locations while they played Christmas carols for group singing; Trade contributions to the Athletic Associations of two local high schools, and to the colored high school to provide band instruments; continued sponsoring the County Branch of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, net proceeds amounting to $14,29100 one half being reserved for local use approximately $9,10000 was expended for 30 infantile paralysis victims; continued to work on raising funds for children's ward at such time as the hospital is enlarged; sent 4 boys to the summer camp; carried 68 children to an open air theatre at Glen Burnie and served refreshments to them; gave the annual horse and pony show for the benefit of the underprivileged child fund; furnished Christmas trees and greens to the hospital and a church for Christmas decorations; held the annual group singing around the Kiwanis, Memorial tree assisted by the Elk's Boys' Band and a choral group from the high school, about 500 people participating; and offered its services in plan being made for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Annapolis.

President Harry T Krause, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 52 Attendance 96%
District Chair Kiwanis Education and Fellowship John M Whitmore

The club contributed for the expense of the Boys' Model Legislature conducted by the YMCA; celebrated National Kid Day at which 35 underprivileged boys and girls were taken to a football game and served refreshment,; afterwards; carrying on the infantile paralysis project referred to before; raised $13,7%87 of which $8,57126 was used for the treatment of 39 victims; for three years provided $1000 a month for the maintenance of an adopted orphan in China; furnished clothing for a large number of boys and girl, and gave candy and toys to the Salvation Army for distribution at Christmas; joined with other local organizations in giving a Christmas party to 200 colored children at the Crownsville State Hospital; held a circus performance and a public auction, raising $1,20844 to be set aside for the proposed children's ward; contributed to the Community Chest drive and to the Fire Company for an ambulance; participated in the 300th anniversary celebration of Annapolis with a float in the parade and a coat in the water pageant; carried oil the annual group singing around the Kiwanis tree; and urged that member; study the American Medical Association's stand on Compulsory Health Insurance and express their convictions to their representatives in Congress.

President J R McCrone Jr, Secretary Fayette M Latham
Membership Jan 1 - 60 Attendance 91%

Sponsor Suburban Annapolis Club

Gave support to the County Agent during the year; gave assistance to the County Farm Bureau in the operation of its new plant, and in securing locker rentals; provided a bulldozer and other equipment for landscaping the locker plant as a part of a planned demonstration; furnished machinery and labor for building a new road to the Day Camp for Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and other youth organizations; furnished and maintained three new automobiles for Student Driving classes in the high schools of the county; sent a large delegation to the 40th anniversary of the Boy Scouts; arranged for 8 civic educational broadcasts by students of the elementary schools; put on four fifteen minute broadcasts to publicize the work (if the 4-H clubs; took sixty boys and girls to the circus sponsored by the club for the benefit of its Children's Ward Hospital Fund; arranged for the Mayor of the city to issue a National Kid Day proclamation and advertised it over the radio and in the press; worked for annexation of developments adjacent to the city; decorated and lighted the community Christmas tree on the State House lawn; administered the local chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis for the tenth year, carrying on the drive for funds which resulted in contributions of $16,76579, fifty percent of which was retained for local use and the remainder sent to National Headquarters, (during the year 35 victims were treated at a cost of $13,297.70); sent 6 boys to the Salvation Army Camp "for two weeks; donated $6,000 to the County Welfare Board for Christmas gifts for the children in the Home; gave six chairs, six rugs and a floor camp to the County Poor House; and pledged $5,000 to be paid over a period of five years, for a six bed Kiwanis Children's Ward, to be constructed as a part of the proposed enlargement of a local hospital, and made quarterly payments on the pledge from funds received from a circus and an auction which netted a total of $1,450.46.

(Volume 7)
President Henry Zerhusen, Secretary Walter Schmidt
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendance 95%
District Chair New Club Building John M Whitmore

Kiwanis Administration - Eleven 100% meetings were held during the year 15 inter-club visitations to other Kiwanis clubs were made and 5 inter-club visitations by other Kiwanis clubs were enjoyed. A Valentine party, a charter celebration, a testimonial dinner, a Christmas carol sing and ladies nights were among the important social events of the year. The president, vice president and 1 director were present at the Divisional Organization Conference 2 members were registered at the International Convention and 6 members were present at the District Convention.

Agriculture and Conservation was continued in the Anne Arundel County Farm Bureau. Our committee assisted in the execution of the Soil Conservation program. Assistance was given in programming shore erosion prevention facilities of Severn River waterfront property near Annapolis.

Boys and Girls Work - Financial assistance was given to local organizations in their formation of a Children’s Theatre. We contributed to the Boy Scouts of America. Our club assisted the Suburban Annapolis Club in National Kids Day celebration. Transportation was provided for 50 high school students to sing carols at the local hospital and convalescent homes.

Public and Business Affairs cooperated with the Community Chest We participated in the program and provided prizes for the Chesapeake Bay Fishing Fair Our club also assisted in the Red Cross Donor Program A bond drive program that was conducted in our club, disclosed 90% participation among club members.

Underprivileged Child administered the local drive of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis Contributions were made to arthritic and rheumatic groups.

A family was given food and clothing amounting to $40 and arrangements were made for an operation on one of the family's 7 children, 13 underprivileged children were furnished clothing A contribution was given to the Cheltenham School Recreation fund140 underprivileged children were transported to the circus at Glen Burnie 50 children were treated to the Shrine Circus in Baltimore A Christmas party was given to needy children at Crownsville State Hospital for colored insane Our club pledged $5,000 to be paid over a 5 year period, for a "Kiwanis Children’s Ward" in our local hospital.

PresidentC Hayes Duvall, Secretary Walter T Schmidt
Membership Jan 1 - 58 Attendance 93%

President Paul Whitmore, SecretaryWalter T Schmidt
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendance 92%

President Fayette M Latham, Secretary Robert D Holland
Membership Jan 1 - 51 Attendance 90%

President Eugene L Albright, Secretary John M Whitmore
Membership Jan 1 - 53 Attendance 90%

Sponsor Commodore Mayo Club

Division 14
President ?, Secretary John M Whitmore
LG Jack Cohen

President Walter T Schmidt, Secretary John M Whitmore

President L Jay Badeaux, Secretary Norman Stadiger

Division 14
President Ellis H Stroup Secretary Howard C Will
LG Harry T Krause

President C Gilbert Hoffman, Secretary Robert E Dammeyer

President Howard C Will Secretary Robert E Dammeyer

President G Keith Witherridge, Secretary William E Brown Jr

President Robert E Dammeyer, Secretary William E Brown Jr

Division 14
President George T Nichols, Secretary Henry Zerhusen Jr
LG Howard C Will

President Donald R Smith, Secretary Howard C Will

President Sidney Joe Hall, Secretary Howard C Will

President Emanuel Rosenblatt, Secretary Howard C Will

President William L McDowell, Secretary Howard C Will

March 1969
Merge with Suburban Annapolis to form Greater Annapolis
Greater Annapolis retains Annapolis Key number