Capital District Kiwanis History

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Organized November 10 1925 Chartered January 15 1926
Key #01453 43rd District Club
Sponsor Staunton Kiwanis
Divisions 02 05 09
Regions Presidential | Heart of Virginia
Population (1925) 3,752
KI Revoked Charter October 4 2014

Division 02
(Volume 3)
President Dr James L Howe, Secretary H Grim Peck

Division 05
President James A Anderson, Secretary H Crim Peck
Trustee James Lewis Howe

We sponsored another troop of Boy Scouts for our city, held a Boys' Night with 51 boys as our guests In the fall, we contributed a substantial amount toward the expenses of a student who was working his way through Washington and Lee University. We sponsored the Community Christmas Tree, distributing candy and presents to several hundred children and delivered 150 baskets to the poor of the community. There was a band concert at the lighting of the tree and singing of Christmas carols .

During the summer we held eight meetings in the country, suppers being served by the ladies of the various communities. Among the places of these meetings were Natural Bridge, Palmers School, 12 miles from Lexington; Coffierstown, 10 miles away, Timber Ridge and Highland Bell School.

In each case prominent citizens of the community were invited guests. These meetings made Kiwanis well known throughout the country and created better relationships.

We also entertained one hundred farmers at one of our meetings.

On March 10, we held a joint meeting with Rotary and Chamber of Commerce A delegation was present at the inter-club meeting at Roanoke in May In June, there was a joint meeting with Rotary, while in September the two clubs met at Natural Bridge.

In connection with the Kiwanis Club of Houston, Texas, we constructed a memorial marking the birthplace near Lexington of General Sam Houston. This monument was unveiled on July 11 and was attended by a delegation from the Houston Club.

A special meeting of Kiwanis and Rotary was held in August, sponsoring a regional highway conference called by Governor Byrd Representatives of thirteen counties were present Luncheon was served to the Governor and State Highway Commission as well as other guests to the number of 364.

In December, we entertained a commission of Governor Byrd with reference to the establishment of airports in the Valley of Virginia.

We held a Teacher's Night, with 25 teacher guests from the public schools, observed the National Music Week, entertained the ministers of Rockbridge County, held a picnic at Alene Mills, had a Ladies' Night at Natural Bridge with 116 present, and we also observed our Second Anniversary.

President William A Adair, Secretary H Crim Peck
Trustee James A Anderson

In January, we attended a dinner given by the Sons of Veterans in memory of Robert E Lee and the veterans of Civil and World Wars On February 9, the Waynesboro Club visited us, bringing the District Loving Cup They had every member of their club except one present on this occasion We took the cup to Bedford on July 5 We entertained over fifty girls aged from six to fourteen years The program on February 23 was in honor of Washington's birthday A joint meeting with Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce was held on April 17 On Saturday, April 21, the club held an informal meeting and then proceeded to the monument erected by the Lexington Kiwanis Club and the Houston, Texas, Kiwanis Club to the memory of General Sam Houston The occasion was the anniversary of the battle of San Jacinto, which ended Mexican rule in Texas was observed by depositing a wreath at the monument.

20 members attended the inter-club meeting at Salem on May 24 Bedford, Roanoke and Salem were also represented at the meeting We attended a meeting with the Staunton Club We sponsored a play for the underprivileged child, realizing $400 Two picnics were held during the summer, one at Palmer's School House and the other at Elliott's Hills Jointly with Rotary and the Woman's Club we provided a community Christmas tree.

In connection with Clifton Forge and Covington, we worked on the plans for the celebration of the opening of State Highway No 14.

President William T Lyle, Secretary H M Read
Trustee James Lewis Howe

On February 21, the Public Affairs Committee was in charge of the meeting at which time the club passed resolutions favoring the Goshen Pass power development project Three members of the club appeared before the State Corporation Commissioner and presented the resolutions In May, the club donated $100 to Boy Scout work and an additional $100 was given later in the year Hon Frank Moore of Rotary, secured by the Public Affairs Committee, made an inspiring address on Memorial Day Dr G D Hancock of Washington and Lee University addressed us on "Business and Financial Speculation" We celebrated the birthdays of Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson Joining with Rotary and the Woman's Club, we called on the Town Council to support a plan to give Lexington an airport The club heard an interesting talk on conservation of natural resources and wild life by Col C S Bullock of the Isaac Walton League, a local branch of which was established after the meeting with several Kiwanians as members.

In March, two meetings were devoted to different phases of underprivileged child problems, one the problem of immoral environment and one on parental indifference One of the most enthusiastic meetings of the year was held on May 23, when a plan offered by the committee was unanimously adopted Under this plans the club was divided into ten groups, each with a head and each group responsible for the general welfare of two children, from eight to fifteen years of age Children were recommended by the health officer and local welfare worker Each group was given a free hand in giving financial assistance, advice, help with school studies, in securing work, or in any other way furthering the interests of these children "The Kiwanis Minstrels" played before an audience of 700 for the benefit of our child work.

8 meetings were held during the summer in various places We entertained 25 farmers at one of our regular meetings.

On February 7, Staunton Club visited Col Rudolph Baumgardner who delivered a program on George Washington Clifton Forge and Harrisonburg attended our meetings We had inter-club meeting at Harrisonburg on June 6 In April, and exchanged speakers with the Clifton Forge Club.

Among the meetings held during the year were: Our third birthday on January 10, a St Valentine's Ladies' Night, addresses on "Community Goodwill" and "Competition in Modern Business," a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary, and a meeting at which we entertained the ministers of the county.

The Kiwanis Education Committee presented a program for the benefit of the new members Ninety Kiwanians and their ladies had an enjoyable Halloween party We were represented at both International and District Conventions The high school football team just completed a highly successful year, was banqueted, with the coaches, officials and others making short talks In place of the last meeting of the year, the club attended the Community Christmas Tree Celebration, the luncheon fees being turned over to the tree committee for decorations, presents for the children and baskets for the poor, especially to the 20 "adopted" children of the club.

(Volume 4)
President H Crim Peck, Secretary William W Ackerly
Trustee Dr James Lewis Howe

In January one meeting was in charge of the Business Standards Committee Another was known as Lee-Jackson Day when the speaker was Capt, G D Letcher, World War veteran and son of Virginia's Civil War Governor During the same month, we entertained 36 teachers An address was given by Charles S Glasgow, Esq, on The Influence of Happiness in Our Everyday Tasks.

February provided interesting programs The Boy Scouts presented an attractive program designed to acquaint us with Scouting and its objectives A Valentine Ladies Night meeting brought a number of guests A splendid address on "Washington, the Master Builder" was given on February 20, by Past President Lyle An illustrated lecture on birds with imitations and music by Mr Garland Shirley.

March programs were a talk by Mrs Nora Hines, Superintendent of Public Welfare for Lexington, an address by Kiwanian A Willis Robertson, Chairman of the Virginia Commission on Game and Inland Fisheries, and an account of the "Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia for 1930," by Hon Frank Moore, a member of the House of Delegates for our county.

We sponsored a show for the benefit of crippled child work A joint meeting with the Business and Professional Women's club was held on April 10, and a week later we held a Farmers' Night.

On May 1, there was held a joint meeting with Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce to discuss matters of local interest and community improvement National Music Week was observed A Ladies Night was held at Natural Bridge.

Attended an inter-club at Clifton Forge with a delegation of 41 This was almost two-thirds of our membership, and was the largest visiting delegation A Memorial Day program was presented with judge Don P Halsey, of Lynchburg, as the speaker Little Girls' Night was held on June 5, with 25 girls present to enjoy a special program of entertainment On June 19, another county meeting was held at Fairfield, and the following week we had the second meeting with the Women's club.

A county meeting was held at Alone Schoolhouse, about 8 miles from Lexington, and another one at New Providence Church, eighteen miles distant On this latter occasion an address was made to the club and its guests by Dr F P Gaines, President of Washington and Lee University.

LG Rogers visited us in July On August 11, we had another county meeting at the Lexington A R P Church, where Dr Henry L Smith, former President of Washington and Lee University, spoke on "The Six Great Things in America" One week later we entertained our farmer friends at our own meeting place, when Hon Harry St George Tucker spoke on the tariff A meeting of all the clubs of the Fifth Division was held in Lexington on September 4, with LG E R Rogers in charge, assisted by Henry A Converse Chairman of the District Inter-Club Committee.

At a "Football Meeting," the speakers were coaches from VMI and W & L University On September 18, the last county meeting for the year was held at Glasgow, 20 miles from Lexington Host to 33 teachers and school officials of Lexington and the Central School District of the county Fire Prevention Week was observed with an address from Chief C E Woodward, of the Fire Department A citizenship meeting and a Halloween Ladies Night On Armistice Day Gen John A Lejuene, President of VMI and a member of the club, was the speaker.

A program on Kiwanis Education was presented in November, and on Thanksgiving Day we attended services at the Lee Memorial Episcopal Church, where Kiwanian Rev James J Murray delivered the sermon.

Those in attendance at a Club Officers Conference of their Division, held by LG Elect James L Howe, were guests of the club at the meeting of December 11, and that evening attended the Kiwanis Minstrel Show given by the club.

We cooperated with other civic organizations in having a community Christmas tree and dispensed gifts to children and to the needy.

Division 05
President Hernando M Read, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Trustee Dr Lecky Kinnear
LG James L Howe

A Lee-Jackson Day was field Kiwanis Anniversary was celebrated and programs were presented on Kiwanis Education and Vocational Guidance Our ladies were present at a Valentine meeting St Patrick's Day was observed Mother's Day and Memorial Day were suitably celebrated We also had an Armistice Day program A meeting was devoted to honoring our past president and LTG Howe All ex-Kiwanians were invited to a meeting and most of them accepted.

In February, a delegation from Charlottesville visited us and put on the program In May a delegation from Harrisonburg provided the program We attended an inter-club meeting at Covington, held a joint meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary, and had seven of our meetings in the country.

Our members assisted financially and by personal service in the Community Christmas tree, and similarly assisted the local Welfare Workers.

President J A Cook, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 64%

The club had a program on the Children's Clinic and held one meeting in connection with the Christmas Community which it helped sponsor The club held one Ladies Night meeting at a fraternity house and the house turned over its profits on the meal to the club to be used in promoting Boy Scout Work and the club joined with other civic organizations in sponsoring and raising money for the Boy Scouts

During the year the club held 4 meetings with churches in the county The club had an inter-club Ladies Night at which it was host to Covington and Clifton Forge, put on one program at Clifton Forge, sent a Flying Squadron to Salem and sent a delegation to an inter-club Ladies Night put on by Clifton Forge at Natural Bridge.

The club joined the other civic organizations in working towards getting a Public Welfare Worker, helped reorganize the Chamber of Commerce, worked with the Chamber of Commerce for the Community Christmas Tree, put lights on Woods Creek Bridge Celebrated Armistice Day and Fire Prevention Week, had a Save a Life program and had special programs to aid in the promotion of the Community Welfare Drive, the Red Cross Membership Drive, and the Public Health Work.

The club held a third Ladies Night celebrating Washington's Birthday, a joint meeting with Rotary, and a joint meeting with Rotary, the Chamber of Commerce and the Business and Professional Woman's club The club was host to the Division Meeting, entertained the District Governor and the Lieutenant Governor and was represented at the District Convention.

President R B Berry, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 65%

This was a hard year for the club, but it put on a Negro Concert and a show for the benefit of its Under-privileged Child Work and a Kiwanis Bazaar which netted $300 Ten children were furnished with milk, a clinic was held under the direction of a specialist at which 21 received treatment and 3 were taken care of in the hospital (one a four-year old cripple), and the club contributed to and attended the Community Christmas Tree.

The club had programs devoted to Scouting of which Scouts were guests, one of which meetings was in celebration of Boy Scout Anniversary The club had 4 joint meetings with Rotary, and attended an inter-club meeting at Clifton Forge.

The club had programs on Business Conditions, Recent Legislation in Washington, and celebrated Lee-Jackson Day and Armistice Day The club entertained the District Governor and the LTG and International Representative Kean, and was host to two Division meetings.

President H M Read, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 19 Attendance 71%

The club put on a Charity Bazaar and cleared $500 for its Under-privileged Child Work, a feature of the Bazaar being the walking of a crippled, child helped by the Bazaar of a previous Year It joined with other civic clubs in sponsoring a lecture by Lowell Thomas, and made $35 to add to the fund and also sponsored a Community Spelling Bee for the same purpose The crippled children treated were reported to be progressing nicely The club also cooperated with other organizations in boosting the President's Ball for the benefit of the Warm Springs Foundation One program was given on Boys and Girls Work, and the club formed a Boy Scout Troop for Under-privileged Boys

The club had 4 meetings in the county some with ladies as guests and some with other civic clubs Celebrated Lee-Jackson Day, Lincoln's Birthday and Memorial Day Had a joint Public Affairs Meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary, and had programs on Important Legislation Pending, the NRA and State Road Program

Host to the Charlottesville club and the District Governor and visited the Clifton Forge club Two Programs were given Kiwanis Education Sent representatives to District and International Conventions and hosted the LTG's Training School for club officers

President James L Howe, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 16 Attendance 76%

The important work of the club this year was in sponsoring a Boys club for Underprivileged Boys Members of the club met with the boys and helped them, the city furnished a meeting room in the Fire House The club put on a Charity Bazaar Gave a benefit show for crippled children and furnished braces and hospitalization several children Studied the possibility of a under-privileged children camp Aided the Crippled Child Committee in its drive to raise funds.

The club had a joint meeting with the B and P W club It celebrated Valentines Day and had programs of interest on The Business Outlook, Commercial Chemistry, School Organization, The Present Banking Situation, The Movie Industry, The Emergency Relief Program, and Combustion Engines.

Entertained all Division clubs at an inter-club meeting Attended a Division Meeting at Covington Held 2 meetings in the county with a Ladies Nights with Rotary Had an inter-club Ladies Night with Clifton Forge and Covington at Natural Bridge.

Entertained the LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference and the District Convention.

President Paul A Holstein Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 20 Attendance 72%

The club put On a Bazaar netting $700 for Under-privileged Child Work and received $100 donated by a visitor from Chicago Sponsored a Horse Show Continued work with the Boys club and planned building a $1,200 building to house the club Thirty of these boys were given a turkey dinner at Christmas.

Had programs on City Finances, The Supreme Court, Causes of Economic Maladjustment, Municipal Water Works, Sterilization, The Acts of the Legislature, Social Security, The Teaching of Agriculture in the County Schools, The Public Works Administration and Highway Safety.

Visited Clifton Forge and put on a program at Staunton The club had two Ladies Nights in town and one in the county and a joint Ladies Night with Rotary in the county.

Had 4 Kiwanis Education Meetings Entertained the LTG and District Governor Put on a Ladies Night at the Division Meeting and sent representatives to the District and International Conventions, and the School for Training Club Officers.

President R Y Hawkins, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 83%

Sponsored an Under-privileged Boys Club for several years Taking advantage of Federal NYA funds, raising other town funds, and using club funds we were able to build a house for the Boys Club and to be used as a Community Center The building is serving a useful purpose and the club keeps instructors in Manual Training and Citizenship there continually Sponsored the President's Ball for the benefit of its Crippled Children's Work, realized a good sum and heard a satisfactory report on the expenditure of the money It sponsored a Donkey Baseball Game for the benefit of its U P Child Work and Put on an amateur show at the County Fair for its contribution to the Nutrition Camp.

The club had a program on 4-H Club Work and one put on by the Boy Scout Troop It urged all voters to vote at the Primary Election It held four Ladies Night Meetings in the county, two of which were joint meetings with Rotary.

Programs of interest were on such subjects as Life Insurance, Highway Work, Highway Building and Highway Safety, The Red Cross, Chemistry ill Everyday Life, Chemistry in Industry, The Supreme Court, Television, The Shenandoah Valley, Inc, Social Security, and World Politics.

The club went to Roanoke on the occasion Of the visit of the International President, was host to Clifton Forge when it delivered the Log, and carried the Log in a body to Waynesboro The club had two Ladies Nights in town and a joint meeting with Rotary Entertained the Governor and LTG Held Kiwanis Education Meetings and was represented at the Division Meeting.

(Volume 5)
President D Grossirian, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 26 Attendance 86%

The club sponsored the President's Ball, netting $100 for relief of Infantile Paralysis- victims, and put on a bazaar brought in $700 to be used for other work for the underprivileged A crippled children's clinic was held and two programs given on the work of this clinic A room in the new hospital wing was furnished at a cost of $230 At a meeting held in the county during the summer each member brought two poor boys as his guest and gave them a fine dinner, and at Christmas 28 of these boys were given a Christmas dinner with presents for each The members of the club aided in the distribution of Christmas baskets furnished by the churches.

The High School football team was entertained at lunch and the club obtained the services of a full-time person to take charge of the club-house of the Boys Club.

The club held three meetings in the county.

The club visited Clifton Forge was host to Covington, and sent a large delegation to Waynesboro for the District Governor visit.

President W L Foltz, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 85%

The club held its usual bazaar to raise funds for its underprivileged child work, bought an artificial leg for lame boy, a wig for a boy who had lost his hair, and si pairs of crutches to be loaned to needy crippled children by the First Aid Squad.
It aided in the collection of funds for the crippled children's clinic and furnished transportation to and from the clinic Thirty-five boys were entertained at a turkey dinner at the meeting of the club nearest Christmas.

The Home Economics and Manual Training students gave an exhibition program at one meeting.

At the celebration of the fourteenth anniversary of the club, honoring its first president, members of other clubs were present, and the Governor of the Commonwealth made the address of the evening on Citizenship.

Host to Covington bringing the plaque and later delivered it to Harrisonburg.

Three Kiwanis Education meetings were field Tile Lieutenant-Governor was entertained oil two occasions, and the club was represented at tile International and the District conventions.

President R Bruce Morrison, Secretary Robert Y Hawkins
Membership Jan 1 - 33 Attendance 84%

The club presented a watch to the blind boy whose newsstand is being sponsored by tile club It financed a successful eye operation for another boy, contributed $250 to the Children's Clinic, furnished transportation to the patients, and entertained thirty-five needy boys at a turkey dinner with gifts for each boy at Christmas.

It entertained the Scout Troop at a luncheon, tile program of which was in charge of the Scouts, entertained the entire squad of the High School football team, and had a program put on by the boys and girls of the Natural Bridge High School.
Ali important activity of this club is that of having a number of the summer meetings at points in tile county, thus engendering a fine fellowship between city and county people.

The Vocational Guidance committee has enlisted members of the club to teach classes in the CC Camp where good citizenship is stressed

The club gave assistance to the city gov-ernment in the anti-rat campaign Worth-while programs were given on the Present European Conflict, Religious Education at Washington and Lee University, Conservation, the Supreme Court, Retail Sales Work, Soil Conservation, Dangers to America, and the History of Newspaper Work.

The plaque was brought by Charlottesville and later delivered to Covington.

The club had a number of Ladies Nights, and several joint meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and Rotary and with Rotary and Ruritan.

The club held four Kiwanis education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary, entertained the Lieutenant- Governor, was represented at the Division meeting and tile District convention, and was host to the Lieutenant- Governor's school for club officers.

President Howard L Mitchell, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 87%

Club sponsored the President's Ball netting $U800 for infantile paralysis work, and put 011 its usual bazaar to raise funds for underprivileged child work It contributed $250 to the Children's Clinic at which 69 tonsil and adenoid operations were performed and 75 eye examinations made $36 was donated to the Welfare Association for purchase of clothing for needy children, and $20 to cataract glasses.

Supervision of the Boy's and Girls Club and $541 purchased football helmets, $10 to send a boy to Boy State, $10 for Drum and Bugle Corps uniforms, and $10 to the Girl Scouts.

The District Governor and the Lieutenant-Governor were entertained and the club was represented at the International and the District, conventions and at the Division meeting A member of the club was elected LG for 1942, and lie held his training school for club officers in Lexington, and the members of the school were guests at the regular lunch.

Division 05
President S McCoy, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 88%
LG H Crim Peck

The club was able to present to the Children’s hospital early in the year a check for $700 the purchase of a portable X-ray for use in the hospital The club continued its work for the under- privileged along its usual lines and to raise money for this and other community work put on a successful Agricultural Fair.

It continued its work with the Boy Scouts and liad a program oil Scout work It also I)ad a program put oil b~ the boys and girls of the Natural Bridge high school.

The Club old Defense Bonds of maturity value of $2,500 in the lobby of the theatre on one night It promoted the sale of Bonds to club members by giving as an attendance prize at each meeting a $25 Bond A service flag for club members in the armed forces was placed in the meeting place of the club.

President ?, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 90%

From a bingo party $239 was raised for the Infantile Paralysis Fund A carnival was brought to Lexington in October by the club, and $1,255 raised, all of which was spent on underprivileged children, youth activity, and community needs.
The club sponsored a Scout Troop, and, in connection with Rotary and Lions, entertained the Scouts at a joint luncheon.
The club sent 20,000 cigarettes to boys in service, and was responsible for the sale of $15,000 worth of War Bonds .

Entertained the LG, was represented at the District Convention and Training School for Club Officers Had 6 members in the armed forces on December 31.

(Volume 6)
President CC Humphries, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 94%

The club put on a horse show netting $582 to be used for youth services Sponsored a troop of Boy Scouts and entered them at luch several times Entertained the Girl Scout Troop at a special luncheon Spent $75 for mild for needy children Gave $150 to the children's Clinic Started and caried to completion a movement for a permanent organization t oaid returning veterans Took an active part i nworking with the Scouty Troop and the Cub pack.

President C B Thorpe, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 90%

The club jointly with five other civic clubs put on a carnival which netted $2,500 All the clubs concerned agreed to give $1,000 to liquidate the debt of the local Scouting District and divid the remaining The club's share being $250 Held a charity horse show neting $1,102, (with these two sums and a bank balance at the beginning of the year the club was able to spend nearly $1,500 in welfare work of various kinds Donations were made: $100 to the Scout troop, $50 to the Girl Scouts, $750 to the Children's Clinic, $300 to hospitalization of a boy who lost a leg Reorganized the Scout Troop No 1 securing a Scout Master, and entertaining as special guests two boys who have reached the rank of Eagle Scout Held a county-wide Camporee for all Scouts Planned a vocational guidance program which with the aid of the school authorities is being carried out in all the county high schools Sponsored a drive which entted $9,606 towards a fund to purchase a permanent home for the Children's Cinic Gave a Crhistmas party for 30 boys Secured and assisted in the necessay transportation of 40 blood donors Aided in the Red Cross drive and all the War Bond sales and the clothing drive Had several programs on and sponsored a "Go To Church" movement.

President W E Tilson, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 88%

The club netted $500 on a horse show and $4,125 on its carnival Made contributions to: the Red for $50, First Aid Group $250, Children's Clinic $500, and Girl Scouts $125, and sent a boy to Boy State.

President George B Allison, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 42 Attendance 86%

The club cleared $1,000 on the Horse show and held the usual Carnival netting $4,000 Made the following contributions: to 4-H $35, to Boy Scouts $575, Girl Scouts $4,165 for building permanent buildings on a tract of ground secured on a "long-time lease" for a Girl Scout Camp, to Children's Clinic $275, to Christmas gifts for underprivileged $50 Sponsored the local Boy Scout Troop Sent a boy to Boys State Made donations to the T B and Infantile Paralysis drives, and took an active interst in learning about vocational guidance putting on a number of programs.

President Edward V Brush, Secretary R Bruce Morrison
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 88%

The club promoted the Easter Sunrise Service under the Natural Bridge Outfitted with suitable new clothing a crippled boy whom we had fitted with braces some years ago in order that he might attend the Woodrow Wilson rehabiltation Center at Fishersville On Christmas Eve took a full basket of grocceries and a Christmas dinner and toys to a family way back in the mountains, had to borrow a jeep to get there As the neighbor had warned us that the father of the family was drunk and shooting at all who came in sight, we picked up the sheriff, dressed as Santa Claus, set him on the hood of the jeep, proceeded t odeliver the Christmas things At Christmas time had 60 Federal prisoners from the Natural Bridge camp at the club for dinner Obtained the names of those who would not receive Christmas packages from home 16 in all and saw that packages were sent to them anonymously (these prisoners are all boys 16 or 17 years of age who had run afoul of Federal law and had been sent to the camp for rehabilitation rather than to prison Sponsored a Troop of Boy Scouts and donated funds to it and also to the 4-H camp and to the teenage canteen Sent a boy to Boys State Gave 10 pup-tents to the colored Scout Troop Painted the main building at Camp Kiwanis The Girl Scout Camp which we had built, cleared out rocks from the swimming hole and built a dam there.

Division 05
President W K Ikenberry, Secretary Robert L Littrell
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 94%
LG Paul A Holstein

The club presented the annual Kiwanis Horse Show, netting $1,038 for its Community fund Sponsored the Boy Scout Troop, Furnished adult leadership for it Held a graduating ceremony for the first Cub Scout to enter the Troop and held a Christmas party for them Donated 25 comperships of one week each at Camp Kiwanis for Girl Scouts Held the first annual Father and Son dinner Made an unsuccessful attempt to organize the Key club in the high school Agreed to furnish transportation to and from the hospital in Charlottesville of such children as needed orthopedic treatment Supplied Christmas baskets of food, clothing and toy to two families with a total of 12 children Established an award for FFA members in the county for the corn growers contest Provided transportation for the 40-H boys to attend the Forestry Conference Attended church in a body of one occassion.

President R B Weaver, Secretary Robert L Littrell
Membership Jan 1 - 46 Attendance 92%

Arranged a club program at a county meeting on Soil Conservation with 6 farmers as guests Entertained the president of 6 Ruritan clubs in the county Helped to get ready Camp Kiwanis for the five weeks Girl Scout Camp Donated a lighting system to the youth recreation ground Arranged in observance of National Kids Day for all children in the town and county to attend appropriate movies without coing too much Contributed $3,500 as a memorial towards the building of a new hospital Donated back rests to the First Aid Crew for invalids or cripples Continued sponsorship of the local ORthopedic Clinic contributing $200 in cash and perfoming sevices as transporting the patients to hospitals and carrying special shoes and braces to cripples in remote neghborhoods Held a radio auction raising $850.

(Volume 7)
President Robert L Simmons, Secretary Robert L Littrell
Membership Jan 1 - 48 Attendance 95%

President Charles W Barges Jr, Secretary Robert L Littrell
Membership Jan 1 - 47 Attendance 94%

President J M Sisley, SecretaryRobert L Littrell
Membership Jan 1 - 45 Attendance 94%

President F Houston Harlow, Secretary Robert L Littrell
Membership Jan 1 - 48

President Jewel K Samples, Secretary Robert L Littrell
Membership Jan 1 - 41 Attendance 94%

President ?, Secretary ?

President James P Willis Secretary Robert W H Mish Jr

President Robert W Mish Jr, Secretary John Quist

President John V Berberich, Secretary John A Quist

Division 05
President William Broadhurst, Secretary John A Quist
LG James P Willis

President George M Pickral Secretary John A Quist

District Chair Public and Buiness Affairs James P Willis

President Arthur C Anderson, Secretary Charles W Gunn Jr

President William O Roberts, Jr, Secretary Charles W Gunn Jr

President John A Quist, Secretary George M Pickral

President William M Patterson, Secretary George M Pickral

President Dr Charles F Phillips, Secretary George M Pickral

President A Y Chocklett, Secretary George M Pickral

President Bobby Carroll, Secretary George M Pickral

President Carl Newcomer, Secretary George M Pickral

1969 - 1970
President Lloyd Giles, Secretary George M Pickral

1970 - 1971
President Eric Sisler, Secretary George M Pickral

1971 - 1972
President Boyd H Williams, Secretary Elliott M Gentry

1972 - 1973
President Douglas E Brady Jr, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1973 - 1974
President Hart Slater, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1974 - 1975
President Hart Slater, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1975 - 1976
President Charles Pearson, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1976 - 1977
President E Bolivar Huffman, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1977 - 1978
President S Mack Wilkinson, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1978 - 1979
President Andrew C Johnson Jr, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1979 - 1980
President Thomas W Davis, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1980 - 1981
President Dr Michael D Caporal, Secretary Robert F Hunter

1981 - 1982
President Warren J Bryan Secretary Robert F Hunter

1982 - 1983
President ?, Secretary
Robert F Hunter

1983 - 1984
President H Richard Skutt, Col Robert F Hunter

1984 - 1985
President Kerwin C Stotz, Col Robert F Hunter

1985 - 1986
President Beverly C Read, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

1986 - 1987
President Andrew D Hafnagel, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

1987 - 1988
President Frank E Correll, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

1988 - 1989
President Raymond C Leadbetter, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

1989 - 1990
President Dan C Vance, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

1990 - 1991
President W Fred Kirchner, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

1991 - 1992
President Ross T Thomas, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

1992 - 1993
President Darryl D Magee, Secretary Timothy M Hodges

1993 - 1994
President Richard D Weed, Secretary Timothy M Hodges

1994 - 1995
President Herbert L Winans, Secretary Timothy M Hodges

1995 - 1996
President Thomas W Browne, Secretary Louis E Dwyer

1996 - 1997
President Dr Gary A Baggs Secretary Edward Kritzer

1997 - 1998
President Clark King, Secretary Edward Kritzer

1998 - 1999
President Reed H Belden, Secretary David F Reynolds

1999 - 2000
President John Albers, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

2000 - 2001
President Raymond C Leadbetter, Secretary James E Gaines Jr

2001 - 2002
President William M Koogler, Secretary Harry G Carmichael
Membership Oct 1 - 36 Attendance 74%

Year End: 49 Projects Completed, 1040 Service Hours, $2,200 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President James E Gaines Jr Secretary Harry G Carmichael
Membership Oct 1 - 34 Attendance 68%
Sponsor Buena Vista Club
Distinguished Club

Year End: 43 Projects Completed, 1556 Service Hours, $1000 Spent, 10 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President James Grimmer, Secretary James E Gaines Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 49%
Meet TU 6:00 PM G-Willakers Restuarant

(From E-Builder, May 2004) A local police officer injured several years ago in a car crash began trainig for receiving a service dog The club wanted to help with the costs A donation of $3200 was presented to the St Francis of Assisi Service Dog Foundation.

Year End: 13 Projects Completed, 205 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President Robert Pickral, Secretary Francis Lion
Membership Oct 1 - 38
Meet TU 6:00 PM G-Willakers Restuarant

Year End: 122 Projects Completed, 353 Service Hours, $1,237 Spent, 5 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 05
Presidential Region
President Robert Pickral, Secretary Francis Lion
Membership Oct 1 - 33 Attendance 54%
Meet TU 6:00 PM G-Willakers Restuarant
Distinquished Club Award

Year End: 344 Projects Completed, 241 Service Hours, $2,001 Spent, 2 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President John M Milford, Secretary James E Gaines Jr
Membership Oct 1 - 38 Attendance 47%
Meet TU 6:00 PM G Willakers Restuarant

Year End: 0 Projects Completed, 0 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President Debra Chalkley, Secretary Warren J Bryan
Membership Oct 1 - 37 Attendance 64%
Meet TU 6:00 PM G Willakers Restuarant

Year End: 31 Projects Completed, 6252 Service Hours, $100 Spent, 3 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Robert Foresman, Secretary Warren J Bryan
Membership Oct 1 - 41 Attendance 61%
Meet TU 6:00 PM G Willakers Restuarant

Year End: 9 Projects Completed, 67 Service Hours, $0 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Michael Meads, Secretary Warren J Bryan
Membership Oct 1 - 33 Attendance 41%
Meet TU 6:00 PM G Willakers Restuarant

Year End: 8 Projects Completed, 72 Service Hours, $1 Spent, Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Raymond C Leadbetter, Secretary Warren J Bryan
Membership Oct 1 - 32
Meet TU 6:00 PM G Willakers Restuarant

Year End: 5 Projects Completed, 69 Service Hours, $100 Spent, 0 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President James D Kitchen, Secretary Warren J Bryan
Membership Oct 1 - 31
Meet TU 6:00 PM G Willakers Restuarant

2012 - 2013
President James D Kitchen, Secretary Warren J Bryan
Membership Oct 1 - 25
Meet TU 6:00 PM Rockbridge Area Relief Association

2013 - 2014
Division 09 Heart of Virginia Region

President Randall Higinbotham, Secretary Warren J Bryan
Membership Oct 1 - 21
Meet TU 6:00 PM Rockbridge Area Relief Association

KI Revoked Charter October 4 2014