Capital District Kiwanis History

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(W C Gouldman)
Organized September 26 1922
Key #00855 24th District Club
Sponsor Richmond Kiwanis
Division 04
Region Heart of Virginia
Population (1922) 1,844
KI Revoked Charter April 20 2013

Division 04
(Volume 1)

The charter presentation took place on September 26, 1922, at the Royal Hotel, West Point, VA with a large delegation of members and officers of the Richmond Kiwanis Club Among the visitors from Richmond were President Thomas B Howell, District Governor Joseph D Hank, and Secretary Frank H Louthan District Secretary Harry G Kimball of Washington, DC was present The meeting was a very exthuslastic one Since the organization of the club many matters of civic interest have been sponsored and accomplished.

Community Christmas tree has become an annual affair, distributing presents to the poor and singing Christmas carols in front of the homes of those shut in A great deal of work has been, accomplished for the under privileged child Several children have been sent to schools and hospitals for training.

The club aided materially in having concrete curb and sewerage system installed in the town Assisted in building a $40,000 high school building In co-operation with State Health Department clinics are held at regular intervals for the inspection of school children Sponsored Boy Scout movement.

President R C Carden, Secretary Jack Marshall
Trustee H Lewis

Club officers: Vice President W C Gouldman, Treasurer Scott Broaddus; Directors: J L Bland, H Lane Cooke, Allen Donnell, J W Marshall, Frank Perry, Crosby Thompson, Cecil Woodward.

(Volume 2)
President W C Gouldman, Secretary Arthur Neustadt
Trustee H I Lewis

Club officers: Vice President D N Sutton, Treasurer Scott Broaddus; Directors: W E Thrift, I L Bruce, A S Hudson, J P Ekberg, and E Q Amos.

From the day of the club's organization, it has taken an active part in all movements for civic improvement The club arranged baseball games the proceeds of which were devoted to worthy causes such as assisting in equipping playgrounds and looking after underprivileged children The club also sponsored several farmers' meetings which did much towards building up a better feeling and improving a spirit of co-operation between the town business men and their rural associates.

The Christmas activities of the club have been an annual affair, beginning with Christmas 1922, when every poor family in the town was remembered substantially The singing of Christmas carols in front of the homes of those shut in was also continued.

The work for the underprivileged child was continued A bazaar, an entertainment lasting one week, was given and was a tremendous success The proceeds were devoted to this work.

President David Nelson Sutton Vice President E D Clopton
Secretary J C Thompson, Treasurer Scott Broaddus
Trustee J W Marshall

The club functioned well during 1925 Its members were loyal to Kiwanis ideals and the work of the club was effective in the community and reflected the increased interest of the members.

At the beginning of the year, the oyster scare which emanated from Chicago, Ill, was paralyzing the oyster industry -West Point is in the oyster section and for a number of years one of our citizens, J W Marshall, a real Kiwanian, was the largest individual oyster packer in the United States Immediate action was necessary The Kiwanis Club knew that there was no danger of contracting typhoid fever from York River oysters To verify their belief, they had oysters served in every known manner at two successive meetings and each member performed the pleasant duty of eating them in each form The result was a unanimous vote to serve oysters again at the third successive meeting.

The club then decided to spread the gospel as to the purity of York River oysters A resolution was adopted stating the reasons why oysters did not carry typhoid germs and the fact that the Kiwanians living in the oyster section had tested the oysters and found them pure This resolution was sent to every Kiwanis Club east of the Mississippi River and to a number of those west of that river.

The result was gratifying beyond measure Hundreds of clubs responded and offered assistance in removing an unwarranted scare that was destroying a great industry as well as tainting the reputation of an excellent food Many of these clubs stated that they bad followed the example of the West Point Club and had personally tested the purity of Virginia oysters While it was impossible during the remainder of the winter season of 1925 entirely to overcome the damage which had been done, yet the club has reason to believe that its work assisted to that end and that the publicity which we gave was a factor in making the oyster season of 19251926 one of the best in history from a business standpoint.

Due to the work of a committee sent by the Kiwanis Club to Washington, an amendment was added to the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Bill which directed a survey of the York and Pamunkey Rivers at and near West Point with a view to deepening the channel and clearing silt from near the docks This was highly important to the Baltimore steamers that were having trouble to make their dock at low water.

A committee from the club appeared before the Virginia State Corporation Commission to urge the granting of a bus line franchise from Richmond to West Point The franchise was granted to the firm of which Kiwanian Bob Bristow is the head.

The local Boy Scouts were sponsored by the club and a hall provided in which they might meet.

A movement was begun in the club which resulted in the formation of the King William County Council and the publication of an extremely attractive, interesting and instructive booklet giving the history, natural advantages and industries of King William County and West Point This booklet has done more than any other means to show the inhabitants of the county the advantages of this section and to advertise to others this part of Virginia The success of the movement was due to the untiring work of Kiwanian Herbert I Lewis.

During the year the club held a Ladies' Night at Irvington The trip across the Rappahannock was made on the State yacht, Commodore Maury On another Ladies' Night District Governor Caton was the guest of honor and delivered an inspiring address.

There was a joint meeting in Richmond with the club of that city and we in turn entertained them following a baseball game between members of these two clubs The Richmond Club also furnished a show which was put on by the local club, the proceeds of which were used for charity.

The club aided in the formation of the King William County Public Library and Community Center This organization purchased and remodeled the Royal Hotel property The Governor of Virginia and Mrs Trinkle attended the opening The Kiwanis Club now holds its meetings in the Community Center The club purchased seventy chairs, the members painting them, and donated them to the Community Center We also purchased a piano which is kept in the Center and donated china.

The club installed a drinking fountain in the public park at the head of the York River in West Point, purchased trash cans for the park and erected two large signs to notify the public of the public playgrounds and park.

At the first Ladies' Night held in the Community Center, Col John R Saunders, the Attorney General of Virginia, was the speaker. The faculty of the West Point High School were entertained at a regular meeting.

The club invited the Rappahannock Valley, Inc, to meet with us at West Point A movement was begun to secure the extension of power lines from Richmond through King William County and this section of the state to care for the needs of the rural sections.

Half of the club members attended the District Convention at Staunton.

The club sponsored the Community Christmas tree After the exercises at the tree, Christmas carols were sung to the shut-ins and fifteen baskets were distributed by the club to families of our city.

The work from which the members of the club obtained the most joy and satisfaction was the work for underprivileged children The club provided the necessary transportation, hospital expenses and sur-geon's services to have tonsils and adenoids removed from fifteen underprivileged children of the town and adjacent ter ' ritory The members drove their own cars to Richmond to carry the children to and bring them from the hospital This work did more than anything else to create interest in the club and to bring home to the mem-bers the real nobility of Kiwanis.

(E D Clopton)
President E D Clopton, Secretary J C Thompson
Trustee J B Bray

The club conducted a Boy Scout outing lasting about a week We purchased a Stone Mountain half-dollar, aided in the building of the Bruce Bridge, sent 14 baskets to the needy on Christmas Eve

Aided the Board of Supervisors of New Kent to get the Richmond-Washington Highway Association to turn over what funds they had left to the chairman of the State Highway Commission Money to be used to complete the State highway from New Kent Court House to the Bruce Bridge Club members purchased about 75 acres of the proposed Shenandoah National Park We had four Ladies Nights

The club lost 4 members and gained 2, leaving the active membership at 30

President J W Marshall, Secretary J K Marshall
Trustee D N Sutton

We delivered the District Loving Cup to Richmond on January 31 A committee went to Washington to confer with officials relative to a post office building

18 children were sent to the hospital for operations and treatment Our work in this regard was organized to cover the whole county It was under the direct supervision of our Underprivileged Child Committee who worked in each rural school district through the school league Our annual Ladies' Night was held with Governor Russell S Perkinson as the honor guest

(Volume 3)
(W Payne DeShazo)
President W Payne DeShazo, Secretary Cecil L Woodward
Trustee Nelson Sutton

36 underprivileged children were sent to a hospital in Richmond for operation for tonsils, adenoids, and other necessary treatment The money was raised by "The Kiwanis Vadvil"

A fine joint meeting was held with the Richmond Club as our guests on July 25

Richmond brought one hundred and fifty to West Point and all enjoyed a fine seafood dinner, in the midst of a delightful programThrough the efforts of Kiwanis, an up-to date heating plant was installed in the Community Center where our meetings are held It was in evidence on our Ladies' Night October 30

One young lady who graduated in the 1928 high school class was given a complete business course at a Richmond business college

Through our efforts, the State Highway Dept took into its system a toll bridge here known as the Gresham Bridge On March 1, when it was made free, jointly with the town, we served roasted oysters, etc, to some 4,000 guests

President Elis Olsson, Secretary Cecil L Woodward
Trustee David N Sutton

The first three meetings of the year had to be omitted, by order of the health officer, on account of the flu epidemic

A Ladies' Night was held on January 29 We entertained, at one of our regular meetings, the scout leader and 12 girls from Richmond, who had served as models at a fashion show given at the high school

A Father and Son Night on March 5, showed thirty-four of our thirty-seven members present either with their own sons or with Boy Scouts Rev H P Clarke, of Norfolk, made a wonderful talk on this occasion on "Dads and Their Lads"

"Community Cooperation" was the subject of a talk by Dr Beverly D Tucker, Jr, rector of St Paul's Episcopal Church, Richmond We sent a deserving young man to Randolph Macon College for a year and paid part of the costs of braces for a crippled girl Two Ladies' Nights were held, both with large attendance and very enjoyable We attended an Inter-Club Meeting at Ashland which was enjoyed by all in attendance D Nelson Sutton of this club was elected Lieutenant-Governor of the Fourth Division for next year

Division 04
(Volume 4)
President Dr Malcolm H Harris Secretary James Cleasby
Trustee W Payne DeShazo
LG David N Sutton

Our Agriculture Committee aided the county agents in putting out a bulletin in the interest of aid in drought relief work Farmers attended our meetings from time to time

The club aided in street illumination for the Christmas season and attempted to organize the Retail Merchants Association

The Vocational Guidance Committee did good work in affording our high school pupils a series of talks along vocational lines from speakers of some experience, four being members of the faculty of William and Mary College

LTG David Nelson Sutton made a very appropriate address on the subject of International Relations in observance of United States-Canada Week

To support the program outline at the first of the year club entertainment netted $600 Twelve children during the year were treated for adenoids and tonsils (removal) One child was helped to a tuberculosis sanatorium Two children were fitted with glasses One child of idiotic type was thoroughly studied and his case disposed of which may bear fruits later During the summer, milk and ice were contributed to several families The public school was made into a safety zone through influence of the club Completed a project from last year to financed a boy through a year at Randolph-Macon College

We took part in three inter-club meetings At Williamsburg took away the attendance cup, and also a cup for best entertainment Our Boy Scout troop was sponsored for the year A flag was donated to the high school Our efficiency report was given first place in our class in the Capital District

We held 52 meetings; our programs were fairly well distributed, having speakers at sixteen meetings, twelve business meetings, five ladies night programs, three inter-club meetings away from West Point, and the other meetings interspersed with local speakers or committee programs Regular directors meetings were held at which the major part of the business of the club was attended to

President Frank A Perry, Secretary Graham L Evans
Trustee W Payne DeShazo

We backed and assisted the Town Council in their fight for lower electric rates An effort was also made with the telephone company to obtain either dial or battery phones

For the sixth year we sponsored a Boy Scout troop and entertained them at one of our meetings

A census of the town was made to locate all children between the ages of six months and fourteen years who had not received toxin anti-toxin treatment and practically every such child received this preventive treatment during the year It was given at cost to those who could afford to pay and was furnished free to others

Our third annual show for the benefit of our under-privileged child work netted $650

We attended an inter-club meeting at Ashland and at the Division Meeting at Williamsburg we won the cup for attendance for the third time

Milk was furnished needy children Ten children were operated on for diseased tonsils

A canvass was made of the town to locate rooms available for tourists during the Yorktown Sesqui-Centennial

The anniversary of our club was suitably celebrated Teachers were invited to be our guests Baskets were distributed to the poor at Christmas

President 0 A Bristow, Secretary G L Evans
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 88%

This club gives an annual Kiwanis show, 60% of proceeds going this year to underprivileged child work and 40% to reducing the debt on the Community Center

This year the receipts of the show amounted to $1,000 The club organized a crippled children's clinic for King William, New Kent and King and Queen counties 49 children were treated and arrangements made to send some to the Crippled Children's Hospital in Richmond The club perfected the organization of its anti-toxin campaign for immunizing children of West Point and the adjoining county against diphtheria, which resulted in 99% immunity in the town and 90% immunity in the county

The club held a Farmers Day in April and attended an inter-club meeting in Richmond

The Public Affairs Committee worked for a beacon at the airport, for advertising West Point, its natural resources and its industrial possibilities and for the industrial development of the community It also looked into the condition of the Community Center, aided the citizens of New Kent in their project for getting a rural mail route out of West Point and put on a program on Motor Vehicle Laws

The club made an achievement report, entertained the District Governor and the LTG, sent delegates to the International Convention and to the District Convention and sent a large delegation to the Division Meeting at Williamsburg

During July the club tried out a new policy of holding meetings without food and reported good meetings but failed to say whether they continued fasting during the remainder of the year

President Arthur Gray, Secretary G L Evans
Membership Jan 1 - 22 Attendance 90%

The average attendance for the year shows the enthusiasm of this small club for Kiwanis and what it stands for

The club put on its Kiwanis show as usual, continued its crippled child clinic, sent $300 to the Crippled Children's Hospital in Richmond, which had taken care of eight children from the clinic who needed hospitalization and gave a party to these eight children upon their return from the hospital

The club continued the toxin anti-toxin immunization against diphtheria until more than 990/0 of the children tinder the age of 14 years in the town and county had been immunized During three years time 1926 children were treated, being charged $150 for treatment if able to pay, otherwise the treatment was free The State Department of Health was so pleased with this plan that it adopted it and used the plan successfully in other parts of the state

The club was active in getting the State Highway Commission to take over a toll bridge across the Pamunkey River and make it a free bridge, sponsored a movement to establish a committee on community charities, to avoid duplication; sponsored a Clean Up Week, furnished a leader in the organization of the NRA put on programs on Traffic Regulations and CCC Camps and entertained the teachers of the local schools

The club was host to the Richmond club at an inter-club meeting

Kiwanis Anniversary was celebrated, entertained the District Governor and the LTG Delegates were sent to the District Convention and Division Meeting at Williamsburg

President Rev A P Gray, Secretary G L Evans
Membership Jan 1 - 25 Attendance 69%

The club put on a Kiwanis show netting $300 for community work It continued its anti-diplitheria campaign has been going for five years It took care of 25 tonsil and adenoid operations and started an eye clinic It had a program put on by the county Red Cross nurse and it gave prizes in the Red Cross "better health" contest and sent Christmas baskets to the needy The club had a program on the FERA and put on monthly programs at the CCC Camp

The club with the aid of the CWA improved the grounds of an old colonial church and joined heartily with the other civic organizations to launch a forward movement for the town Entertained the teachers of the local schools at luncheon and had good programs on Forestry, Fire Prevention and the FHA

The club paid a visit to Petersburg Entertained the LTG, was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, International and District Conventions and the Division Meeting

President W E Croxton, Secretary G L Evans
Membership Jan 1 - 27 Attendance 77%

This year the Kiwanis show netted $693 for the community work of the club A large number of children attended the weekly clinic and thirty of these were sent to Richmond hospitals for treatment, and fifteen of these were operated on; four were examined for eve trouble and fitted with glasses Christmas baskets were sent as usual to the needy

The club formed a boys club of 30 members from ten to sixteen years of age, and from it organized two baseball teams The club also entertained at luncheon the graduating class of the high school

The club held three Farmers Nights and had a picnic with the County Woman's Club

The club worked on providing a rural route and telephone communication to lower New Kent County It instituted a drive to buy a lot and make a playground for the town and it had a program on the FERA

The club was host to Hopewell when it delivered the log, which the club later carried to Newport News It also joined inter-club meetings at Richmond and Petersburg

The club had two Ladies Nights one of which was a Halloween party and another when the ladies put on the program, It had a Christmas Eve frolic and a New Year's Eve frolic

The club had two Kiwanis education programs, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary and Constitution Week, entertained the LTG and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the Inter national and the District Conventions an the Division Meeting

President W G Waring Secretary Zesely E Cox
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 69%

A Kiwanis show this year netted $759 The club continued its monthly clinic The eyes of forty children were examined and defects remedied Seventeen white and 18 colored children were sent to hospitals in Richmond Fifty-nine children were immunized to diphtheria and $100 was contributed to the Red Cross The club furnished thirty quarts of milk for the under nourished

The club sponsored a baseball team and it entertained at luncheon the graduation class of the high school The club put on a Citizenship program With 35 boys and girls present Had four Farmers Meetings and a joint meeting with tile County Woman's Club

Entertained local school teachers at luncheon Held a Ministers' Night with all the town ministers Put up road signs and planted 500 trees in an attempt to beautify the town

The club made visits to Richmond and to Newport News

The club had four Kiwanis education meetings, entertained the LTG, sent delegates to Mid-Winter Conference, District, International Conventions and Division Meeting

Presidents R M Cabe and J Cleasby Secretary Zesely B Cox
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 75%

The club continued its monthly clinic, sending a number of children to the Richmond hospitals for treatment for tonsil and adenoid operations and giving immunization for diplitheria It gave cod liver oil for babies and milk for under-nourished children It contributed $100 to health work, and sent out a number of baskets to the needy at Christmas

The club put on a safety program in the schools, and entertained the graduation class of the high school It formed a boys club and appropriated $100 to be used for Scout work and for the formation of a Scout troop

The club had four farmers meetings, and a joint meeting with tile County Woman's Club, and it aided in the County Fair

The club had a Vocational Guidance program with children present It took a class to visit the paper mill It gave talks before the high school pupils and at the CCC Camps and had the boys from the CCC Camps put on a program at the club

Programs on Public Safety on the Highways, The NYA, the Social Security Act, The Preservation of Game, and The Conservation of Wild Life in Virginia It contributed to flood relief and after three years saw the completion of a telephone system for lower New Kent County Worked for a picnic ground for the town

Attempted, unsuccessfully to arrange inter-club meetings Visited Hampton

The club had five Kiwanis education meetings, celebrated Kiwanis Anniversary Entertained the District Governor and LTG, and was represented at the Mid-Winter Conference, the District Convention, and the Division Meeting

(Volume 5)
President J Cleasby, Secretary Zesely B Cox
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 76%

The club held a number of clinics during the year, sent 5 children to Richmond for operations, furnished 22 with glasses, spent more than $45 for milk for the undernourished, and had a Christmas Tree for 350 children Put on a carni¬va! bazaar to raise for the needy

Took a booth at the King Williams County Fair, and entertained the teachers in the local schools Host to Hampton, Ashland, Newport News, and Richmond, and visited both Richmond and Ashland

President R TvIer Bland, Secretary Zesely B Cox
Membership Jan 1 - 37 Attendance 77%

The club gave a Carnival to raise money for community work Several crippled children clinics and furnised quantities of milk and cod liver oil to undernourished children, had 6 T and A operations performed, gave tooth brushes to all underprivileged boys under 10 who attended the County Fair Gave a Christmas entertainment and a trip to the movies to the nderprivileged children in the neighborhood

The club entertained Richmond at a picnic meeting, visited Hopewell, and was host to Ashland It had two Ladies' Nights Was represented at the District and the International Conventions, and the Mid Winter Conference, and had a member elected District Governor for 1940

Division 04
President Robert L Jefferies, Secretary Earle L Howell
Membership Jan 1 - 36 Attendance 88%
Governor David Nelson Sutton

Tile slogan this club adopted for underprivileged child work was "Make West Point Diplitherialess" The efficiency of this program has been going on for a number of years is evidenced bv the interest in diphtheria immunization and the absence of this disease from our community Through the cooperation of the county nurse and local physicans, the club has fostered 11-TB, dental, and orthopedic clinics Cod liver was furnished wherever needed, Aid for a number of glasses 22 clinics were held during the year Treated 351 cases and 465 galIons of milk were furnished

Held 5 inter club meetings and at one of these the Newport News Club presented the plaque The District Governor was the speaker, and the Lieutenant Governor at another At one meeting there was a golf match at the Country Club and supper was served on the lawn

The club had four Ladies' Nights, one of which was a boat trip The daughter of the president had the honor of being chosen to take the part of Scarlett O'Hara in the pageant of "Gone With the Wind," which was presented at the International Convention at Minneapolis At one of these Ladies' Nights a copy of "Gone With the Wind" was presented to her The club had a joint meeting with Rotary and Lions

The club was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and District Conventions, the Division meeting, and Training School for Club Officers Entertained the Lieutenant Governor and furnished the District Governor for the year At the close of the vear 1 member of the club was in military service

President J Don O'Connell, Secretary Earle L Howell
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 78%

From a Minstrel Show raised funds for community work The clinics previously described were continued Furnished 1025 quarts of milk and 15 quarts of cod liver oil at a cost of $118 Hospitalization was furnished to 3 children, and braces and shoes to a number of others

A Father and Son Picnic was held The Football team, the High School Seniors, and the Scout Troop were each in turn entertained at a regular meeting of the club The club continued its interest in fostering the Scout Troop, organized a Cub Pack, and found fifty girls interested in forming a Girl Scout Troop

The club put on a program on Vocational Guidance activity, and purchased and presented to the High School Library a book on this subject

Entertained the teachers of the local schools at one meeting, and the cast of the Minstrel Show at another, and attended the meeting of the PTA Backed a successful Christmas celebration, lighting the streets of the town

The club had three inter club meetings, the first of which it carried the Governor's Banner to Dover Then visited the Richmond club and later was host to that club

It held several Ladies' Nights, and at one of these had a most enjoyable boat trip down the river Also, there was a joint meeting with the Woman's Club,

The club was represented at all the District and Div 4 meeting, and at the close of the year had 1 member in military service

President Fred B Corr, Secretary Earle L Howell
Membership Jan 1 - 30 Attendance 86%

The club continued its regular orthopedic clinic during the year for both white and colored children, and continued to provide cod liver oil and milk to undernourished school children It arranged for one diplitheria toxoid clinic, financed T and A operation

The club arranged for a meeting place for the Scout Troop, had one of the Scouts represent his troop at a regular luncheon of the club Plans Were made for the organizatiOrl of a Negro Scout Troop A recreational program was arranged for three days each week for school children during the summer vacation There were several programs on Scouting The club entertained the graduating class of the High School, had a Father and Son Night,a Father and Daughter Night, and closed the y ear with a Father Son and Daughter Night

Made arrangements to have 2 meetings a month held in the county during the summer months, and besides this the county agent addressed the club on two occasions at its regular weekly meetings

The club put on a Go to-Church program, arranging for the club to attend church in a body on several different occasions At different times the club entertained the teachers in the public schools, the telephone operators, and the Selective Service Board

A delegation visited the Richmond club at an inter club nieeting at which five clubs were represented The club entertained the District Governor and was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, the Training School for Club Officers, and at the end of the year had three men in the armed forces

President William P Hall, Secretary E Guthrie Brown
Membership Jan 1 - 31 Attendance 79%

The club continued to support the orthopedic clinic regularly during the year for both white and colored children, held two diphtheria toxoid clinics, and provided milk and cod liver oil for undernourished children

On account of gas rationing, no county meetings were held; however, some individual members attended meetings of the Ruritan club of the county

It worked for putting over the War Loan Drives and sponsored the Victory Garden Drive The faculty of the local schools was entertained at one meeting A joint meeting was held with the Womans Club A Ladies' Night and two Ladies' Picnics were held

The club entertained the District Governor, was represented at the Mid Winter Conference, the International and the District Conventions, and the Training School for Club Officers, and at the end of the vear three members of the club were in the armed forces

(Volume 6)
President R B Johnson, Secretary Brainard B Edmonds Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 34 Attendance 76%

President John P Sale, Secretary Brainard B Edmonds Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 38 Attendance 85%

President L M Browning, Secretary Brainard B Edmonds Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 83%

President J J Pumphrey, Secretary B B Walker Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 43 Attendance 76%

President George F Borum, Secretary B B Walker Jr
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 69%

President Homer A Humphreys Secretary J P Lincoln
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendance 78%

President LeRoy Riddle, Secretary J P Lincoln
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendance 77%

(Volume 7)
President William M Hudson, Secretary J P Lincoln
Membership Jan 1 - 59 Attendance 79%

President W Gregory Brookes, Secretary Robert E Forrest
Membership Jan 1 - 57 Attendance 78%

President Eric Zimmerman, Secretary H R Terrell
Membership Jan 1 - 59 Attendance 86%

President Milton M Neale, Secretary H Ross Terrell
Membership Jan 1 - 59 Attendance 86%

President G L Evans, Secretary M Pye Chandler
Membership Jan 1 - 50 Attendance 84%

Division 04
President ?, Secretary M Pye Chandler
LG Homer A Humphreys

President Randall H Highland, Secretary M Pye Chandler

President William H Hosfield, Secretary Lee S Varner

President R Tyler Bland Jr, Secretary Lee S Varner

President Henry V Perry, Secretary Albert G Blondek

President David Nelson Sutton, Jr, Secretary Albert G Blondek

President E L Dozier, Secretary Albert G Blondek

President Burton B Walker, Secretary Albert G Blondek

President Earl H Hatcher, Secretary Paul Dixon

President Raymond R Kyger, Secretary John P Dixon

President Thomas B Whitmore, Secretary John P Dixon

President Robert P Carter, Secretary John P Dixon

President Otis B Kyger, Secretary John P Dixon

President Frank J Walsh, Secretary John P Dixon

1969 - 1970
President James T Lynn, Secretary John P Dixon

1970 - 1971
Division 04
President Norman E West Jr, Secretary John P Dixon
LG R Tyler Bland

1971 - 1972
President Clarence C Major, Secretary John P Dixon

1972 - 1973
President Alvah H Eubank, Secretary John P Dixon

1973 - 1974
President Garland T Edmonds, Secretary John P Dixon

1974 - 1975
Division 04
President Charles S Barbour, Secretary John P Dixon
Sponsor Tappahannock-Warsaw Club

1975 - 1976
President Benjamin J Skinner, Secretary John P Dixon

1976 - 1977
Division 4 A
President Graham L Evans Jr, Secretary John P Dixon

1977 - 1978
Division 04
President Arthur W Plummer, Secretary John P Dixon Sr
Sponsor Middlesex Club
Governor R Tyler Bland

1978 - 1979
Division 04
President Richard Alford, Secretary John P Dixon Sr

1979 - 1980
President Harry R Whitt, Secretary John P Dixon Sr

1980 - 1981
President Charles E Walton, Secretary John P Dixon Sr

1981 - 1982
President Lawrence H Camp (died) replaced by Reb Marvin Kerby Jr
Secretary John P Dixon Sr

1982 - 1983
Division 04
President William L Sullivan Jr, Secretary John P Dixon Sr
LG Harry R Whitt

1983 - 1984
President James E Ashley Jr, Secretary John P Dixon Sr

1984 - 1985
President Mark M Neale Jr, Secretary John P Dixon Sr

1985 - 1986
President Tyler Bland III, Secretary William J Addison

1986 - 1987
President Alva James Belongia, Secretary William J Addison

1987 - 1988
President Sharon R Miller, Secretary William J Addison

1988 - 1989
President Charles M Davis, Secretary William J Addison

1989 - 1990
President Patric Barron, Secretary William J Addison

1990 - 1991
President Ronald L Blevins, Secretary A Elaine Fogliani

1991 - 1992
President Harry L Whitt, Secretary A Elaine Fogliani

1992 - 1993
President Anita W Bugess, Secretary A Elaine Fogliani

1993 - 1994
President Rev MF Kerby, Secretary Carol I Bookwalter

1994 - 1995
President Jane M Massey Wilson, Secretary Carol I Bookwalter

1995 - 1996
President Benjamin Elliot Bondurant, Secretary Anita W Burgess

1996 - 1997
President R Burke Johnson, Secretary Patrick K Barron

1997 - 1998
President Bruce Parker, Secretary Patrick K Barron

1998 - 1999
President Otto B Shreaves Jr, Secretary Patrick Kevin Barron

1999 - 2000
President Teresa L Pyne, Secretary Pamela H Jones

2000 - 2001
President Juliet S Bohannon Secretary William J Addison

2001 - 2002
President Joshua T Lawson, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 50 Attendance 76%

Year End: 66 Projects Completed, 122 Service Hours, $1150 Spent, 6 Interclubs

2002 - 2003
President Stephen A Palmer, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 37 Attendance 75%

Year End: 56 Projects Completed, 209 Service Hours, $1890 Spent, 4 Interclubs

2003 - 2004
President George W Redd, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 81%
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church

Year End: 69 Projects Completed, 212 Service Hours, $1084 Spent, 17 Interclubs

2004 - 2005
President William Palmer, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 48
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church

Year End: 288 Projects Completed, 622 Service Hours, $1,592 Spent, 15 Interclubs

2005 - 2006
Division 04
Heart of Virginia Region
President William Cawley, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 49 Attendance 83%
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church
LG Juliet S Bohannon
Distinquished Club Award

Year End: 70 Projects Completed, 300 Service Hours, $36 Spent, 26 Interclubs

2006 - 2007
President David R Rorick, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 51 Attendance 74%
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church

Year End: 5 Projects Completed, 63 Service Hours, $550 Spent, 12 Interclubs

2007 - 2008
President John Davenport, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 42 Attendance 75%
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church

Year End: 25 Projects Completed, 264 Service Hours, $1,895 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2008 - 2009
President Andrew Conklin, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 39 Attendance 99%
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church

Year End: 47 Projects Completed, 697 Service Hours, $400 Spent, 0 Interclubs

2009 - 2010
President Mary Seward, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 37 Attendance 50%
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church

Year End: 6 Projects, 1127 Service Hours, $3 Spent, 1 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2010 - 2011
President Virginia Blaska, Secretary R Carolyn Palmer
Membership Oct 1 - 34
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church

Year End: 9 Projects, 703 Service Hours, $2 Spent,0 Interclubs, $0 CD Foundation

2011 - 2012
President Daniel M Rilee, Secretary Betsy C Basehore
Membership Oct 1 - 30
Meet MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church

Year End: Projects, Service Hours, $ Spent, Interclubs, $ CD Foundation

2012 - 2013
President Nancy Britt, Secretary Robert Lawrence
Membership Oct 1 - 23
Meet 1st, 3rd MO 6:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church
KI Revoked Charter

Year End: Projects, Service Hours, $ Spent, Interclubs, $ CD Foundation